Nestled in the southern Taihang Mountains of southeast Shanxi, ancient Changzhi was known as Shangdang. Its strategic importance made it a coveted battleground with the saying "Control Shangdang, control the Central Plains." Beyond its military significance, Changzhi boasts a long history and culture alongside a glorious revolutionary tradition. Its attractions can be divided into three categories - Taihang Mountain scenery, historical sites, and red culture. With magical natural wonders and priceless historical heritage, Changzhi also paints a vivid picture of revolutionary sacrifice and contribution during the desperate life-or-death days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Here, early revolutionaries and people made tremendous sacrifices and outstanding contributions to the liberation of the Chinese nation.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for all seasons, spring and autumn are the best.

Suggested playing days

2 days

Local climate

Warm temperate semi humid continental monsoon climate

Changzhi Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China