Situated in central Shanxi Province, Jinzhong boasts profound cultural and historical heritage as one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. It abounds with cultural relics and historic sites, including the renowned UNESCO World Heritage site of Pingyao Ancient City. In addition to numerous historical attractions like Pingyao Ancient City, Yuci Old Town, and the Qiao Family Courtyard, Jinzhong also features abundant natural tourism resources. These include the nationally protected forests of Zuoyou Longquan, Shouyang Fangshan, and Yuci Wujinshan. With its wealth of cultural relics like Pingyao Ancient City and its pristine natural landscapes, Jinzhong offers both cultural and natural appeal to travelers.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for all seasons, spring and autumn are the best.

Suggested playing days

1-2 days

Local climate

Warm temperate continental monsoon climate with significant seasonal changes

Jinzhong Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China