Qinhuangdao is located in northeastern Hebei Province, 281 km from the capital Beijing. It got its name from Qin Shi Huang's eastward tours and dispatching people from here to seek immortality by sea. The famous attractions of Shanhaiguan and Beidaihe are situated here. Qinhuangdao is abundant in tourism resources, featuring peculiar and diverse mountain terrains, waterfalls and springs everywhere, high forest coverage with rich wildlife and vegetation, as well as numerous cultural relics and historical sites like the Great Wall. The most compelling is Beidaihe, the summer retreat for central government leaders, making it Qinhuangdao's most attractive tourism resource.

Qinhuangdao in northeast Hebei is 281 km from Beijing. It is named for Qin Shi Huang's travels and quests for immortality here. Famous sites like Shanhaiguan and beach resort Beidaihe are located in Qinhuangdao. With diverse mountain scenery, waterfalls, forests and wildlife, plus historical relics including the Great Wall, Qinhuangdao has plentiful tourism. But the top attraction is Beidaihe, the central government's summer retreat with the city's most appealing tourism.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for all seasons, summer and autumn are the best.

Suggested playing days

2-3 days

Local climate

Temperate monsoon climate, with little rain and dry spring, warm summer without scorching heat, cool autumn with sunny days, and long winter without severe cold.

Qinhuangdao Surrounding Cities

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