Qujing is located in northeast Yunnan, bordering Guizhou and Guangxi to the east, Wenshan and Honghe to the south, Kunming and Dongchuan to the west, and Zhaotong and Guizhou's Bijie to the north. It is nicknamed the "Gateway to Yunnan" for its strategic location.

Today, Qujing administers Qilin District, Zhan Yi County, Xiping Town, Xuanwei City, Luoping County, Luorong Town, Fuyuan County, Zhong'an Town, Shizong County, Danfeng Town, Luliang County, Zhongshu Town, Huize County, Jingzhong Town, Malong County, as well as other counties and towns.

Come explore Qujing's critical role in connecting Yunnan to its neighbors. Appreciate the diverse landscapes, customs, and local flavors that have made this an important hub of commerce and culture for centuries.

Luoping Rape Flower Cultural Tourism Festival

The Luoping Rapeflower Cultural Tourism Festival takes place from January to April in Luoping County, Qujing. Major activities include viewing the dazzling opening ceremony performances, admiring seas of vibrant yellow rapeseed flowers known as the "biggest naturally-formed flower garden", and exploring the majestic Jiulong Waterfalls, nicknamed "China's most beautiful waterfall", and the Luoping Karst Forests, known as "How China's Peaks and Forests Look". The sheer scale of golden blooms spread across Luoping's valleys and mountains creates dramatic vistas and provides endless photo opportunities. The rich geographical contrasts from waterfalls to karst landscapes demonstrate the diversity of natural wonders in the region. With lively cultural performances against idyllic rapeseed backdrops, the Luoping Rapeflower Festival celebrates the county's breathtaking beauty.

China Luliang International Colorful Sand Sculpture Festival

The Luliang International Colored Sand Sculpture Festival from March to August showcases magnificent colored sand sculptures and the culture behind them. It takes place in Luliang County's Colorful Sand Forest Scenic Area, known for its multicolored sand. Major events include extravagant opening ceremonies and art performances, as well as exhibitions of elaborate sand sculptures made by artists from around the world. Sculpture themes range from ancient legends to modern cityscapes, all sculpted intricately using the rainbow sands. Visitors can watch artists at work and vote for their favorite pieces. With interactive workshops and lively cultural programs against the backdrop of the colorful sand forest, this festival offers a glimpse into this unique art form and the ingenuity of its creators.

Huize "Hometown of Qian Wang" Tourism Culture Festival

The Huize "Hometown of the King of Coins" Tourism Culture Festival takes place in Huize County, Qujing every August. It features a series of tourism activities and folk events rich in ethnic customs. Huize earned its nickname as the birthplace of Zhang Xianzhong, an influential Chinese rebel leader who proclaimed himself King of the Great Western Kingdom during the late Ming dynasty. He minted his own currency, leading to Huize's moniker. Activities highlight Huize's deep history and culture through reenactments of the King of Coins era, traditional Miao and Yi minority rituals, song and dance performances, and demonstrations of local artisan crafts. Visitors can immerse themselves in the legends of the past and experience the ethnic diversity that shape's Huize's unique identity during this lively festival.

February 2nd, March 3rd

On the 2nd day of the 2nd lunar month, the Buyi ethnic group in Qujing holds vibrant celebrations centered around the Duoyi River and Jiulong Waterfalls in Luoping County. On the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month, both Buyi and Zhuang peoples mark the occasion, especially in Shizong County's Fenghuang Valley and Wulong Zhuang Ethnic Township. Festivities feature singing competitions, water-splashing rituals, bamboo raft racing, worshipping deities, paying tribute to water spirits, bamboo pole dancing, bonfire parties, and folk performances. Visitors can experience Buyi and Zhuang customs and traditions firsthand during these lively festivals. From singing folk songs in colorful local costumes to partaking in unique ceremonies, there are many immersive cultural experiences that give insight into the heritage of Qujing's diverse ethnic groups on these special festival days.

A group of ancient tombs spanning thousands of years

Spanning over two millennia of history, the hundred-plus tombs unearthed at Batatai compose an extraordinary ancient cemetery rarely seen in China. Dating from the Spring and Autumn period to the Ming and Qing dynasties, these 2700-year-old burial sites provide a unique window into shifting funeral practices. The tombs include Bronze Age pit graves, Han to Tang brick chamber tombs, and imperial cremation tombs marked by carved stones. Walking through Batatai's archaeological site, you'll glimpse these varying tomb types coexisting through eras side-by-side. As researchers continue to excavate and analyze these remains, new insights emerge about the rich cultural heritage of Yunnan's ancient peoples. For an intriguing look into how past civilizations buried and honored their dead, visit the sprawling necropolis of Batatai, where the monumental gravity of history springs to life through tombs spanning over two millennia.

A Thousand Year Old Road embellished with Falling Leaves

Winding through mountains for over 15 miles, the Kedu River Post Road offers a window into 2000-year-old travel along the old Silk Road. This remarkably preserved stone pathway once echoed the footfalls of merchant caravans journeying between China and India. Stroll along the flat paving stones, imagining weary horses laden with silk bolts treading this same route centuries ago. Gaze up at towering green cliffs named "Layered Snow on Verdant Screen" and cascading peach blossoms dubbed "Brocatelle Waterfall." Ponder calligraphy etched into precipitous rockfaces by ancient scholars and officials. Between natural wonders and historic traces of the past, every twist and turn yields a new delight. For a glimpse of old China as it was traversed by camel caravans through the ages, hike this segment of the original Silk Road, where beauty and history blend in a timeless, living museum.

The Meteorological Wonder of Shengjingguan

An extraordinary natural phenomenon occurs at Shengjingguan Pass, where weather and geography visibly divide along provincial borders. Two pillars at the pass’s memorial archway feature stone lion statues facing Yunnan to the west and Guizhou to the east. The Guizhou-facing lions are cloaked in green moss, while the Yunnan-facing lions wear a red dirt coat. Just 1,500 meters east, the ancient pass’s terrain also shifts—Guizhou's soil appears blackish-brown, compared to Yunnan’s reddish-brown earth. Even the grass bends east toward Guizhou and west toward Yunnan. This clear demarcation of color and foliage along the provincial border creates a landscape that seems to obey human boundaries. Marvel at this mystifying quirk of climate and environment only visible at Shengjingguan Pass, where weather phenomena manifest the abstract idea of a border between Yunnan's and Guizhou's distinct natural identities.

Best Travel Time

The average annual temperature in Qujing is 14.5 ° C, the extreme highest temperature is 35.7 ° C, the extreme lowest temperature is -16.2 ° C, the average temperature in July of the hottest month is 19.7 ° C, and the average temperature in January of the coldest month is 6 ° C. Spring and autumn are the best travel times for Qujing. If you visit Luoping to see rapeseed flowers, then January to April is the best time, and March is the blooming season of rapeseed flowers, which cannot be missed.

Dressing Guidelines

Qujing sees intense sun contrasted by cold nights, so pack a coat and sun protection. The rainy summer season calls for rain gear. Spring and fall allow lighter shirts, but wintry weather from November to January demands warm outerwear like heavy coats and jackets.

To be prepared for Qujing's climate, bring versatile layers to add or remove as temperatures fluctuate. Cool, breathable fabrics that dry quickly can handle surprise showers during the wet months. When the sun beats down, wear light clothing with UPF protection and a hat - the high elevation intensifies UV exposure. Don't forget sturdy shoes to traverse cobblestone streets and countryside trails.

Check forecasts to anticipate needs, but expect to dress in layers for Qujing's days of fickle weather. A coat for chilly nights, umbrella for storms, and sun-shielding attire will have you covered for anything. Proper attire makes pleasant travel through this city of karst landforms, hot springs, and historic relics.


Archaeological evidence confirms human activity in Lianyungang's ancient Mount Qushan and present-day Mount Jinping area as early as 10,000 years ago. In 1959 and 1978, the oldest Paleolithic sites in southeast China were discovered at Erjian and Daxian Village with clear stratigraphic layers. Mount Jinping has 19 Neolithic sites, with Erjian being one of China's earliest farming areas.

The 20-meter long, 10-meter wide "General Cliff Painting" discovered in 1979 was appraised by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as "an extremely important cultural relic and rare major discovery, the earliest 'book' in China."

The Donghan era art treasure "Kongwang Mountain Grottoes Statues" are the earliest Buddhist grotto statues in China, 100-200 years earlier than the Dunhuang Grottoes, and protected at the national level.

The area is also steeped in history, with attractions related to Confucius' sea gazing, Emperor Qin's inspections, and famous poets and officials like Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Su Dongpo, Shen Kuo, Li Qingzhao, Wu Cheng'en, Li Ruzhen, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu, Zhu Ziqing and more.

Customs taboos

Qujing sees intense sun contrasted by cold nights, so pack a coat and sun protection. The rainy summer season calls for rain gear. Spring and fall allow lighter shirts, but wintry weather from November to January demands warm outerwear like heavy coats and jackets.

To be prepared for Qujing's climate, bring versatile layers to add or remove as temperatures fluctuate. Cool, breathable fabrics that dry quickly can handle surprise showers during the wet months. When the sun beats down, wear light clothing with UPF protection and a hat - the high elevation intensifies UV exposure. Don't forget sturdy shoes to traverse cobblestone streets and countryside trails.

Check forecasts to anticipate needs, but expect to dress in layers for Qujing's days of fickle weather. A coat for chilly nights, umbrella for storms, and sun-shielding attire will have you covered for anything. Proper attire makes pleasant travel through this city of karst landforms, hot springs, and historic relics.

Religion and Culture

Qujing sees intense sun contrasted by cold nights, so pack a coat and sun protection. The rainy summer season calls for rain gear. Spring and fall allow lighter shirts, but wintry weather from November to January demands warm outerwear like heavy coats and jackets.

To be prepared for Qujing's climate, bring versatile layers to add or remove as temperatures fluctuate. Cool, breathable fabrics that dry quickly can handle surprise showers during the wet months. When the sun beats down, wear light clothing with UPF protection and a hat - the high elevation intensifies UV exposure. Don't forget sturdy shoes to traverse cobblestone streets and countryside trails.

Check forecasts to anticipate needs, but expect to dress in layers for Qujing's days of fickle weather. A coat for chilly nights, umbrella for storms, and sun-shielding attire will have you covered for anything. Proper attire makes pleasant travel through this city of karst landforms, hot springs, and historic relics.

Medical treatment

Here is some information on medical care in Qujing for an English travel website:Medical Care in QujingQujing has several major hospitals including the First and Second People's Hospitals. There are also numerous 24-hour pharmacies throughout the city for medications and minor treatments.Major Hospitals:Qujing First People's HospitalTel: 0874-3326112Qujing Second People's Hospital  Tel: 0874-3315120Qujing Transportation HospitalTel: 0874-3380387Qujing Third People's HospitalTel: 0874-3411963Be sure to travel with international medical insurance. Do not hesitate to seek care if you become ill or injured during your stay. Qujing has quality medical services available, including English-speaking doctors at major hospitals.The friendly locals are also always willing to assist if you have any medical needs. Have a wonderful trip while remaining vigilant about your health and safety!

Safety considerations

Qujing is a very safe city, but visitors should still take basic precautions in crowded areas. Keep bags securely closed and valuables out of sight, especially at busy sites, markets, and transportation stations where pickpocketing can occur. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash, and only take registered taxis at night. Violent crime is rare in Qujing, but exercise standard travel safety measures like avoiding unlit deserted areas and not venturing out alone late at night. Use hotel safes when available to secure passports, electronics and other valuables. While Qujing is highly safe, following basic safety awareness makes travel easier and stress-free. Report any issues to the local tourism police, who provide helpful assistance to foreign visitors. With some common sense precautions, Qujing is a secure and enjoyable destination to explore.

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