Blessed with year-round spring weather and bordering Hong Kong, Shenzhen is a new city that never sleeps - a shopper's paradise and traveler's dream. Maybe you're one of its busy residents who's never uncovered its true charms. Perhaps you've only glimpsed this metropolis in passing. Or it could be your first visit.

Wherever you're from, take a fresh look with new eyes. Use your eyes to discover Shenzhen's beauty and your spirit to feel its allure. Equipped with this guide, set off on a journey to truly experience this modern Chinese marvel.

Stand atop glittering skyscrapers. Stroll through vibrant public parks. Savour Cantonese and global cuisines. In Shenzhen, the future blends seamlessly with the past in China's ascendant southern gateway.

Consumption level

Shenzhen is one of China's more expensive cities, with costs of dining, lodging, and transportation comparable to Guangzhou. A simple lunch for one averages about 20-30RMB. Hotel rates typically run 200-300RMB per night.

To save money, stay in hostels or hotels located outside the city center, with prices from 150RMB. Use the metro and public buses to get around for just 2-5RMB per ride. Enjoy affordable local cuisine like banh mi sandwiches and wonton noodles.

While Shenzhen offers luxury hotels and dining, budget-focused travelers can immerse themselves in the city's modern energy without overspending. By choosing budget accommodations, maximizing public transit, and sampling inexpensive food, you can experience Shenzhen's vibrant culture, nightlife and architecture for around 300RMB or less per day. Focus spending on one or two highlights each day.

Litchi Festival

Litchi Festival in Shenzhen

The tropical city of Shenzhen celebrates litchi season with cultural and business events revolving around the beloved fruit. Locals have a tradition of gathering with friends and family in Litchi Park to pick and eat the fresh, juicy litchis when they ripen each summer.

Rows of litchi trees burst with bright red fruit, drawing crowds vying to fill baskets. The lively atmosphere echoes with chatter and laughter as people enjoy the sweet litchis straight from the trees.

As the official city festival, the Litchi Festival features trade fairs, concerts, crafts and culinary delights with litchi infusions. Visitors can try litchi ice cream, wines, teas and more. 

For weeks from late June to early July, Shenzhen is filled with the sights, sounds and scents of fresh litchis. The Litchi Festival captures the city's tropical spirit through this iconic fruit.

Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
Time: June 28th - July 8th

Foraging in Shenzhen

With over 10,000 eateries, Shenzhen is a foodie's paradise. From street food to Michelin-starred restaurants, this cosmopolitan city offers cuisines to satisfy even the pickiest palate. Sample Cantonese dim sum, spicy Sichuan fare, and tantalizing Thai and Korean dishes. For local specialties, try ziran gongyu, fresh steamed grouper, and stir-fried clams with black bean sauce. The Niu Che Shui hot pot restaurant scene sizzles late into the night. Shenzhen's vibrant night markets serve up snacks like stinky tofu, skewers, and bubble waffles. With colonial architecture and al fresco cafés, Window of the World transports you across Europe while dining. Food tours unlock Shenzhen's dynamic culinary landscape, from wet markets to specialty shops. Whether you crave casual noodles or refined multicourse meals, dining in Shenzhen is a feast for all the senses.

The most beautiful sunrise

For unforgettable sunrise views in Shenzhen, head to Dongchong Beach. As the easternmost point of the city, this scenic stretch of sand is the perfect place to greet the first rays of morning light. Arrive before dawn, when the inky night sky begins to yield to purples and pinks. Watch in awe as the sun emerges over the horizon, illuminating the South China Sea in dazzling gold. The interplay of light and shadow transforms the seaside landscape minute by minute. Marvel at fiery sunbeams piercing through clouds, reflecting across the water's glassy surface. The vibrant dawn colors are nature's masterpiece unveiling before your eyes. As the city stirs awake, there's no better way to start your day in Shenzhen than witnessing a glorious sunrise over Dongchong Beach, with the promise of new beginnings materializing across the sky.

Camping Ideal

With its pristine shores and freshwater, Dalugang Beach is Shenzhen's premier spot for seaside camping adventures. Located in serene Nan'ao, this protected stretch of golden sand offers crystal clear waters untouched by pollution. Spend the day swimming, snorkeling, and spotting tropical fish darting through coral reefs. When evening falls, set up camp on the beach as bonfires crackle under starry night skies. Share laughs and stories while roasting marshmallows and strumming guitars. Sleep to the soothing rhythms of lapping waves in your tent as the Milky Way unfurls overhead. For an idyllic coastal retreat from Shenzhen's bustle, Dalugang Beach offers the perfect campground for weekend getaways with friends. Disconnect from devices and reconnect with nature's peaceful beauty in this untamed seaside paradise.


Archaeological evidence confirms human activity in Lianyungang's ancient Mount Qushan and present-day Mount Jinping area as early as 10,000 years ago. In 1959 and 1978, the oldest Paleolithic sites in southeast China were discovered at Erjian and Daxian Village with clear stratigraphic layers. Mount Jinping has 19 Neolithic sites, with Erjian being one of China's earliest farming areas.

The 20-meter long, 10-meter wide "General Cliff Painting" discovered in 1979 was appraised by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as "an extremely important cultural relic and rare major discovery, the earliest 'book' in China."

The Donghan era art treasure "Kongwang Mountain Grottoes Statues" are the earliest Buddhist grotto statues in China, 100-200 years earlier than the Dunhuang Grottoes, and protected at the national level.

The area is also steeped in history, with attractions related to Confucius' sea gazing, Emperor Qin's inspections, and famous poets and officials like Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Su Dongpo, Shen Kuo, Li Qingzhao, Wu Cheng'en, Li Ruzhen, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu, Zhu Ziqing and more.

Best Travel Time

Climate characteristics: The rainy season in Shenzhen is concentrated from May to September, and the precipitation from October to April is relatively low. Summer is long and winter is short, with a duration of 6 months, but there is no scorching weather. The average annual temperature in Shenzhen is 22.4 ℃, with a maximum temperature of 36.6 ℃ and a minimum temperature of 1.4 ℃. The frost free period is 355 days, with an average annual rainfall of 1924.3 millimeters and 2120.5 hours of sunshine. The coldest month has an average temperature of 15.4 ℃ (with occasional chills when cold air invades), and the hottest month has an average temperature of 28.8 ℃ in July. The best travel time in Shenzhen is a transitional marine climate from subtropical to tropical, with clear and pleasant winds and abundant precipitation. It is suitable for all seasons, especially in winter and early spring. 8. Going to Shenzhen in September is also a good choice. Strolling on the summer beach and swimming in the sea gives you a unique taste. Winter and early spring: The winter time in Shenzhen is very short and the temperature is not low, so there is a saying that "autumn and spring are connected". During the winter and spring seasons, there is less precipitation in Shenzhen and it is the peak season for tourism. Traveling to Shenzhen during this season is more convenient and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Shenzhen to your heart's content. The theme parks with diverse characteristics are attracting more and more tourists to visit and enjoy. Recommended attractions: Window of the World, Happy Valley, Sea World, Xianhu Botanical Garden. 8. September: The summer beaches attract people from all over the world, while Da Meisha and Xiao Meisha embrace people from all over the world with open green hearts. Surfing, bungee jumping, swimming, sunbathing, the blue sea washes away the heat, and the golden beach is soft and lingering. Recommended tourist attractions: Da Mei Sha, Xiao Mei Sha, Ju Diao Sha, South Australia.

Dressing Guidelines

Shenzhen Clothing Recommendations

From May through September, Shenzhen is hot and humid. Bring rain gear and wear short sleeves during these months. After October, temperatures start dropping slightly and light fleece jackets become useful outdoors. January is the coldest month, so pack heavy coats for warmth.

Shenzhen’s subtropical climate means lightweight clothing is suitable most of the year. However, the winter months from December to February call for extra layers like jackets, cardigans and scarves. As rainfall is common May-September, folding umbrellas and rain ponchos are also recommended. Dressing in breathable fabrics and adjustable layers will maximize comfort while exploring this modern city in southern China.


Shenzhen has 8 ports for water transportation, mainly Shekou Port and Fuyong Port, with a total of 12 ferry terminals.

Shekou Port and Fuyong Port are the main passenger ferry terminals in Shenzhen. Located in Nanshan District near the Overseas Chinese Town, Shekou Port offers ferry services to Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan and Hong Kong. Fuyong Port in Bao'an District operates routes to Guangzhou, Dongguan, Hong Kong and Macau.

Compared to trains or buses, ferries can be a more scenic and relaxing way to travel between Shenzhen and neighboring cities like Hong Kong and Macau. The ports are conveniently located next to metro stations and bus stops for easy onward travel. Ferries run frequently, especially during peak hours. Journey times are generally 1-2 hours depending on your destination.

When planning ferry travel in Shenzhen, check schedules and allow sufficient connection time. Purchase tickets in advance or arrive early to queue on weekends and holidays when they may sell out. Also be aware that services could be reduced or canceled due to weather conditions like typhoons.

Medical treatment

Here is some helpful information about medical care in Shenzhen, China for an English travel website:Medical Care in ShenzhenShenzhen has several top-rated Tier 3 hospitals and many conveniently located 24-hour pharmacies for purchasing medication or over-the-counter remedies. Medical care and prescriptions are readily accessible for travelers.Some major hospitals in Shenzhen include:  Shenzhen People's Hospital Outpatient and Emergency Department 1Phone: 0755-82238441Shenzhen People's Hospital Outpatient and Emergency Department 2Phone: 0755-25531387Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Emergency Department Phone: 0755-83334055With reputable hospitals, open pharmacies, and English-speaking staff in major facilities, travelers can feel at ease getting treatment if the need arises while visiting Shenzhen. Be sure to travel with proper health insurance and documentation to facilitate care. Taking basic precautions will allow you to explore this modern metropolis without worrying about medical emergencies.

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