Ya'an is a city enveloped in mountains and rivers, permeated with the fragrance of tea, and renowned for its giant pandas. Boasting distinctive natural scenery and cultural heritage, Ya'an was an important stop on the Southern Silk Road. Ancient towns like Shangli and Wangfish reflect its role as the "Throat of Western Sichuan", "Gateway to Tibet", and "Ethnic Corridor".

As a pivotal point on the Tea Horse Road, Ya'an is considered the birthplace of global tea culture, with Mount Mengding revered as the holy mountain of tea civilization. Unique and eye-catching bridges span north and south connecting the city, while abundant greenery and charming leisure parks epitomize this historical and cultural city's natural allure, human history, ethnic customs, and tea heritage.

Come immerse yourself in Ya'an's captivating blend of pandas, tea, history and nature!

Best Travel Time

Best in Summer and Autumn

Suggested playing days

2 days

Local climate

Subtropical monsoon humid climate

Popular tourist cities in China