Zhengzhou, capital of Henan Province, lies at the heart of China's vast interior plains. Nicknamed the "Railway Heart of China" and "Crossroads of China", Zhengzhou holds a special place in every Chinese heart.

The Green City, commercial hub, Erqi Memorial Tower, stewed noodles, Shaolin Temple, tree-lined boulevards, Chang Xiangyu, Deng Yaping...Zhengzhou is not pretentious, but no one can deny its cosmopolitan character, inclusiveness, and laidback comforts.

A bowl of noodles, good friends, skewers and beer, local Henan opera - this lifestyle continues. Nowadays, Zhengzhouers also enjoy shows at the Provincial Arts Center, golfing nearby, and sipping fine wines from their cellars with loved ones.

Life flows gently, which does not hamper Zhengzhou's rapid growth. High-speed rail shoots it into 350+ km/h speeds, while Metro Line 1 ties the east and west together. Visitors may wonder - why so many cars and people? How finish such a big bowl of noodles? But once immersed, you'll find it embodies Zhengzhou's prosperity, cohesion, and simplicity.

Chinese Mother River, Understanding 5000 Years of Culture

No trip to Zhengzhou is complete without experiencing China's second longest river, the venerated "Mother River" of Chinese civilization. As the cradle of ancient Chinese culture, the mighty Yellow River has nurtured the Chinese nation since antiquity, bearing witness to five millennia of tumultuous history. Visit the Yellow River Scenic Area to take in the river's impressive power and vastness. Stand atop the Yellow River Bridge to admire its broad waters churning downstream, carved cliffs rising on either side. Feel the weight of history and Mother River's benevolence that gave birth to Chinese culture. This awe-inspiring river shaped the Chinese people; shaped their resilience, traditions, and identity. By visiting the iconic Yellow River in Zhengzhou, appreciate how this waterway intertwines with the essence of being Chinese.

Early Spring Visits Zhengzhou University to See Cherry Blossoms

Though less historic than Wuhan University's famed cherry blossoms, Zhengzhou University bursts into just as stunning a floral display each spring. Spread across Zhengzhou University's sprawling new campus, rows of cherry trees explode in pale pink blooms come early April. To celebrate the annual cherry blossom season, the university hosts a lively Cherry Blossom Festival featuring live music, food stalls, and perfect photo ops. Stroll under canopies of delicate sakura from tree to tree and feel like you've entered a pink floral paradise. Capture the ephemeral beauty of these flowers in full bloom before the petals scatter to the ground. Getting there is easy via Bus 72, 68, B12, 322, 56, or 328. Time your Zhengzhou trip over a weekend in early April to experience one of China's most dazzling university cherry blossom spectacles.

Exploring the Spiritual Homeland of Henan Merchants

Step back in time at Zhengzhou’s sprawling merchant estates built centuries ago during the prosperous Henan business empire. The most grand is the nationally renowned Kang Baiwan Manor – the spiritual homeland of the wealthy Kang clan and one of China’s top three manors. “Kang Baiwan” refers to the prominent Kang family, who grew affluent over 12 generations and 400 years to epitomize the success of Henan merchants. Empress Dowager Cixi herself bestowed the “Kang Baiwan” name marking their influence. Wandering through opulent courtyards and ornate gardens, get a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyles of China’s merchant elite. Other recommended mansions include Zhang Gao Manor and Liu Zhenhua Manor. In Zhengzhou, discover the enduring legacy of Henan’s profitable history as a center of trade and commerce.

Huangdi's Hometown, Ancestral Worship Ceremony

Zhengzhou was the birthplace and capital of China’s legendary first ruler, the Yellow Emperor, venerated ancestor of the Chinese people. According to ancient records, 5,000 years ago the Yellow Emperor united scattered tribes into the first Chinese nation. He pioneered writing, medicine, silk, technology, and more foundations of civilization that propelled China’s preeminence. Every year on the third day of the third lunar month, millions of overseas Chinese worldwide journey to Zhengzhou for the ceremonial worshipping of this revered ancestor. Feel the weight of history at this hallowed homeland where Chinese culture was born. Join the grand procession to the Yellow Emperor's mausoleum. Observe customary rituals like burning incense and paper money to honor this progenitor. By participating in this roots-seeking tradition, connect with the long lineage of Chinese culture and community.

Bar Street, Barbecue Workshop, and Art

For a lively night out in Zhengzhou, head straight to Nongke Road Bar Street. Neon signs for bars like Blue Moon, Western Liquor City, Wow Entertainment Plaza, and Up Up light up the night. Each venue has its own vibe, from hip hop to rockabilly and everything in between. Even the skewer joints seem like bars here. The aptly named "Interesting" Kebab House transports you into an artsy cavern blending prehistoric and industrial design. With dazzling lights, thumping music, and rotating electric grills automatically spinning kebabs, it's a bar experience wrapped in childhood BBQ nostalgia. Savor skewers hot off the flames while sipping a cold brew for a perfect night. Reach Nongke Road easily by public bus numbers 2, 9, 32, 42 to Huayuan Lu Nongke Lu Station.

Shaolin Kung Fu, Joyful Jianghu

Nestled beneath the Five Breast Peak of Song Mountain lies the legendary Shaolin Temple. Founded in 495 AD to house an Indian monk, Shaolin is the birthplace of Shaolin kung fu and Zen Buddhism. Shaolin's mastery of martial arts made it world famous as the "Foremost Temple under Heaven." Visiting Shaolin Temple offers a fascinating glimpse into the ancient traditions of Shaolin kung fu, where monks rigorously train their bodies and minds. Watch them demonstrate astounding techniques honed over lifetimes. For an immersive experience, stay overnight at the temple to wake up at dawn for Tai Chi practice and venture into the mountains for meditation amid nature. As the font of China’s profoundly influential Shaolin culture, this temple showcases Zhengzhou as the "Capital of Kung Fu.” Come experience the fascinating heritage of Shaolin in the heart of China.


Archaeological evidence confirms human activity in Lianyungang's ancient Mount Qushan and present-day Mount Jinping area as early as 10,000 years ago. In 1959 and 1978, the oldest Paleolithic sites in southeast China were discovered at Erjian and Daxian Village with clear stratigraphic layers. Mount Jinping has 19 Neolithic sites, with Erjian being one of China's earliest farming areas.

The 20-meter long, 10-meter wide "General Cliff Painting" discovered in 1979 was appraised by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as "an extremely important cultural relic and rare major discovery, the earliest 'book' in China."

The Donghan era art treasure "Kongwang Mountain Grottoes Statues" are the earliest Buddhist grotto statues in China, 100-200 years earlier than the Dunhuang Grottoes, and protected at the national level.

The area is also steeped in history, with attractions related to Confucius' sea gazing, Emperor Qin's inspections, and famous poets and officials like Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Su Dongpo, Shen Kuo, Li Qingzhao, Wu Cheng'en, Li Ruzhen, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu, Zhu Ziqing and more.

Best Travel Time

Zhengzhou belongs to a typical continental monsoon humid climate with four distinct seasons and a mild climate. The annual average temperature is 14.3 ℃, and most of the rainfall is concentrated in July, August, and September. The spring and autumn seasons are the best season for tourism, with clear and refreshing skies and blooming flowers.

Airport shuttle bus

Zhengzhou City to Xinzheng Airport:

Airport shuttle buses run from Zhengzhou Jinshui Lu No.3 Civil Aviation Hotel to Xinzheng International Airport daily starting at 6am every hour. Tickets cost 15RMB per person.

Xinzheng Airport to Zhengzhou City:

Buses from the airport to the city center vary based on flight arrival times. Shuttles typically depart on the hour and half hour, taking about 40 minutes.

Relevant Contacts:

Airport Transport Company: 0371-68519508

Airport Shuttle Bus Ticket Office: 0371-08519508 (for schedule inquiries)

Airport 24hr Information Hotline: 96666

Airport Landline: 0371-68519000

With hourly departures, the airport shuttle provides a convenient and affordable transfer between Xinzheng Airport and downtown Zhengzhou. You can check the schedule and purchase tickets onsite.

Medical treatment

Here are some key tips for respecting local culture and staying safe in Weihai, China, for an English travel website:Respecting Local Customs in WeihaiWhen visiting Weihai, please keep these etiquette and safety tips in mind:- Avoid mentioning pork when visiting Hui communities or halal restaurants. Use "zhuang" instead of "fat" which is taboo.  - Do not touch or step on ethnic or religious symbols. - Weihai is clean and beautiful so please don't litter or spit. - Refrain from tapping bowls with chopsticks or swatting pets in restaurants or homes. - Conserve water as Weihai is prone to shortages. - Hotels along Weihai's scenic shoreline are pricier but offer sea views and soundscapes at night. Splurge if you can.- Watch for Weihai's winding,Typing…

Safety considerations

When at crowded places like train stations, bus terminals, and metro stations, keep a close eye on your belongings to prevent theft. Areas with high tourist traffic like Tiananmen Square also attract scammers, so tourists should be wary of unlicensed guides demanding money upfront. Avoid handing over any cash to solicitations on the street. Use registered taxi companies like the red Beijing taxis whenever possible. Keep valuables secured and hidden, avoid carrying large amounts of cash, and be alert in public transportation hubs and tourist sites. When needing assistance, go to authorized help points like the Beijing Tourist Information booths rather than individuals roaming the streets. Beijing is a generally safe city if simple precautions are taken. Report any incidents or suspicious activities immediately to the nearest police officer. They can also provide directions and other help. Enjoy sightseeing, but remain aware of the surroundings.

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